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Charles Stone
The true story of Green Cross Intl and links to the Global Warming Hoax!
The atomic situation has become much more serious especially with North Korea and Iran. The Reuters website claimed to be helping President Bush with North Korea, but never provided details.
For some time the late Peter Jennings of ABC News was the “gatekeeper” in New York for this type of news. He actually did a documentary with the leading revisionist historian at MIT on WW II atomic development. Mr. Jennings also did an infomercial for CIPRO before the anthrax letters were mailed. There are much better therapies for anthrax infections. His work saved the company involved. But nobody has ever answered the question about Peter Jennings prior knowledge. I believe his role was covered up by Senator Leahy current Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Cmte. We witnessed the seven year plus badly flawed effort to find the source of the anthrax letters. Why hasn’t the media followed on these obvious questions?
In the fall of 2008 the US stock market collapsed. But it really wasn’t a market event! The massive illegal naked stock shorting played an important role. Many good companies were ruined. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs! The corruption was tolerated by the Federal Govt. In fact Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky and the Russian mafia were the massive players in that criminal activity. Yet the financial media refuses to tell the truth. Those guilty of massive criminal activity have gotten off scott-free! In the Provenge atrocity the first workable dendritic cell vaccine was denied large scale usage for three years because of two corrupt members of an FDA panel. At least 20000 men a year die in their prime because of end stage prostate cancer. There was a probable $1 Billion fraud in the FDA process. Yet the media has refused to cover the story properly! In fact The Washington Post has offered a reward to protect the corrupt FDA panelists. More men have died from this cancer in those three years than in the Gulf and Afghan Wars combined. One of those corrupt panelists is at the University of Michigan. Michael Milken backed the drug responsible for the FDA fraud. It was dropped by a major pharmaceutical company because of deaths during the clinical trials. The company which produced Provenge was the recipient of numerous naked stock shorting efforts. Thomson Reuters has a major opinion survey program with that University. These are just a few of the questions I have.
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